Endometrial Thickness Scan

The thickness of your womb-lining plays an important part in the journey of fertility treatment. If you require a scan to tell you yours, Cocoon is here to help.

You can book an appointment with us at the right stage in your cycle. One of our experienced sonographers will consult with you before performing a scan to determine the thickness of your womb-lining, which will be shared with you during the scan.

This kind of fertility scan is best performed internally (trans-vaginally) for the most reliable results, as opposed to abdominally. Your sonographer will discuss this with you ahead of the scan to ensure you feel informed and comfortable throughout.

We’ll follow-up with a written report and digital images following your appointment, shared to the email address provided.

Please note this scan examines the uterus and not the ovaries, for a more thorough assessment of the ovaries and pelvis, we suggest booking the fertility pelvic scan.
