Well Woman Scan

A lot of women and their families find it important and empowering to know what’s going on inside their body, especially when it comes to something as important as reproductive health. 

As part of our fertility scans in Harrogate, we offer a well woman scan to give you a thorough look and important baseline information about your ovaries, uterus and pelvic anatomy.

One of our experienced sonographers will check in with you, listening to any questions you have before conducting your scan to take a look at:

  • Both ovaries and visible follicles (including measurement)

  • Uterus 

  • Womb-lining (endometrium)

  • Left and right pelvic areas (adnexa)

This scan helps to identify or rule out any pelvic anomalies including:

  • Fibroids

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Polycystic Ovaries

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

This kind of fertility scan is best performed trans-vaginally for the most reliable results, meaning the probe will be inserted internally, as opposed to abdominally. Your sonographer will discuss this with you ahead of the scan to ensure you feel informed and comfortable throughout. 

We’ll be in touch after your appointment to share a written report and digital images to the email address provided. 
